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How to Optimize New Driver Orientation

Four Best Practices To Improve Onboarding

Four Best Practices To Improve Onboarding

This blog post was updated on January 21, 2021.

How frustrating is it when you have orientation no-shows? You’ve spent time, money, and resources working with someone and then, last minute, they ditch out on orientation. Of course, you wasted those resources, but worst of all, you’re out a potential new hire.

With driver turnover rates over 80%, you can’t afford orientation no-shows. Driver recruitment software like A-Suite can help solve this problem.

Why is Recruitment Software The Solution?

If you don’t currently use recruitment software, it’s hard to imagine just how good you could have it. We’ll share a story to illustrate. 

A few weeks ago, a client of ours found a lead on Friday and did all the screening immediately. The new hire did the paperwork and basic training online before showing up on Monday. Our client spent Monday welcoming the driver aboard and had him on the road that night. Sound too good to be true? We can show you how this could be a reality for you too. 

Here are three ways that driver recruitment software saves you time in the orientation process and gets your candidates to actually show-up on day one.

1. Faster Time to Hire with Mobile-Friendly Applications

One of the top reasons a driver might not show-up to orientation is because they actually took another job. You need to get them in the door as quickly as possible to avoid this problem. That’s why mobile-friendly applications are a must. 

With software like A-Suite, your ads, landing pages, career pages, release forms, and new hire/contractor paperwork will all become mobile friendly. Your driver candidates can take care of almost all the paperwork ahead of time. Better yet, the paperwork and forms all integrate with our software so recruits don’t have to spend time entering the same information twice. Recruiting software means paperwork takes 20 minutes instead of 2 hours and you’ll improve your time to hire.

2. Text Your Candidates

Drivers are more likely to seek employment elsewhere if you don’t keep them engaged in the hire process. A-Suite makes communication with your recruits easy, and you can do it on their time and on their terms.

Generally speaking, with today’s drivers, texting is the preferred method of communication. Recruitment software makes it easy to send texts, receive images of CDLs and Med Cards, and log your communication. Your recruits will be confident going into orientation if you keep-up communication with them.

3. Get Your Message Out There

Some recruits will skip orientation because they have a negative view of the company. This is the most frustrating reason, and many companies feel helpless in addressing this. Recruitment software like A-Suite can help you maintain your positive image and reputation with recruits by integrating with your landing page.

With A-Suite, you can easily send targeted ads to your ideal driver candidate. The ads will bring them directly to a landing page where you can get your message about your company across to them. Landing pages make it easy to showcase why a driver would want to work for you.

Better yet, you can combine this with our product A-Suite Ad. A-Suite Ad gives you the power and ability to send hyper-targeted ads to your ideal drivers. The best marketing strategies are no longer just for the big-dogs.

Optimize Your New Driver Orientation

Orientation is not a time to fill out paperwork, forms, or anything else that can be accomplished with a smartphone. It’s a time to welcome your new hires, congratulate them on making the right choice, and show them why they want to work for you. A-Suite gives you more time in orientation to spend on what matters, with the added bonus of encouraging your recruits to actually show-up. Schedule your free demo today to see the possibilities firsthand.

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