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Why Time to Respond Is so Critical in Driver Lead Generation


Are you ever truly satisfied with the number of skilled drivers in your fleet? It's a rare occurrence to hear a resounding "yes" to that question. There are numerous strategies to enhance your lead generation and conversion process, but one aspect that often goes unnoticed is response time.

The Importance of Response Time

Think back to the countless times you've ordered takeout. Let's imagine you're in a rush for dinner and decide to call three different restaurants to inquire about their delivery time. Restaurant A puts you on hold for what feels like an eternity, restaurant B doesn't even bother picking up the phone, and restaurant C estimates a wait of 15 minutes. It's clear which option you would choose.

Response time in driver lead generation operates in a similar manner to placing a takeout order. Just as you can move on to another restaurant, a driver can easily move on to another company and secure a job within twenty-four hours. It's crucial to make contact with a lead while they're still interested. According to data from Randall Reilly, fleets that respond within 10 minutes experience a staggering 900% increase in lead flow. There's a chance that your next exceptional driver wanted to work for you, but couldn't reach anyone at your company. Enhancing your response time is essential if you want to boost your lead conversion rate.

Improving Your Response Time

Ideally, you want a response time measured in seconds and minutes, not hours and days. To achieve this, you need to consider the interactions you have with potential leads. Just like a prospective driver would prefer to go on a casual coffee date before committing to completing your application, quality professionals hold the power in this situation and won't pursue anything that seems difficult. The speed and simplicity of your recruiting process serve as the initial impression you make on a prospective driver, demonstrating that your operation is well-organized.

Live Answer Rate - Don't Miss Calls from Leads

If you fail to answer the phone, drivers searching for a new job will simply pass you by. That's why it's crucial to improve your live answer rate.

The live answer rate refers to how often someone from your company picks up the phone when a new lead calls. Ideally, your goal should be a live answer rate of at least 90%. If you're unsure of your live answer rate, your VoIP provider should be able to provide you with that information in a report.

One simple way to enhance your live answer rate is by setting up a phone tree that simultaneously rings multiple people. This ensures that if one person is unable to answer the phone, there's always a backup ready. If you're a one-person or small recruiting shop, consider spreading the responsibility across the office to avoid putting all the burden on one person. In the past, I even took calls at 10pm on Friday nights, stepping out of the restaurant to ensure we didn't miss out on potential qualified drivers.

Automate Responses to Applicants

Remember, most drivers aren't solely applying to your company. They're likely submitting applications to multiple similar companies within a 50-mile radius. That's why it's crucial to respond to your applicants promptly.

When a driver applies to your company, they should receive instant communication from you. Automated but personalized emails and text messages should at least acknowledge that their request has been received. The best automated messages often end with a question to encourage engagement. Any driver who responds becomes a top priority for you to engage with as soon as possible. This is where investing in an applicant tracking system (ATS) becomes valuable. A reputable ATS will have automated responses with personalized message tokens included.

Facebook/Instagram Messenger

Since introducing our Facebook/Instagram advertising platform, we've assisted numerous clients in running successful ad campaigns on these platforms. Similar to drivers who call before applying, prospects often have questions about the position and prefer to ask them in the comments section of the ad before providing their contact information. Given the prevalence of spam calls and texts, individuals are understandably cautious about sharing their contact details. On social media platforms, response time expectations are measured in seconds if you want to engage prospects before they move on. Sometimes, a prospect may only leave their zip code in the comments, subtly asking if they're within your hiring radius. Others may observe your comments and answers, providing an opportunity to showcase your professionalism and responsiveness to future viewers of the ad. Your ultimate aim is to direct them to a direct message conversation, where you can then request their phone number for future communication.

Prioritize Lead Conversion

You don't need us to tell you that finding, recruiting, hiring, and retaining quality drivers is a challenging task. So why make it even more difficult for yourself? Failing to respond promptly to candidates is essentially shooting yourself in the foot. Start by improving your live answer rate and consider investing in an applicant tracking system that streamlines your response process. By doing so, you can begin converting leads rather than letting top-notch drivers slip through the cracks.


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