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Easily Screen and Hire Drivers

Integrated background checks within the A-Suite software.


Accurate Background has partnered with AvatarFleet to provide a full end to end integration within the A-Suite software. The solution increases efficiency by sending results directly to the A-Suite PDF viewer for the corresponding record type and driver. You no longer have to sign into a separate platform or download/upload another PDF!

Key benefits include:

  • Order background checks on your drivers within the A-Suite platform
  • Increase efficiency by sending background check results directly back to AvatarFleet
  • Results are directly attached to the driver, eliminating the need to sign into a separate platform for placing background check orders and viewing results

Accurate Background is a trusted provider of automated workforce screening. U.S. and international clients across all industries, from emerging businesses to Fortune 500 companies, rely on their compliant solutions.

Take a Test Drive with the A-Suite + Accurate Background Screen Integration