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Tax Day Causes More Driving Accidents! | AvatarFleet

Written by Mark G. Gardner | April 12, 2012

You've heard the Kinks song:
"The tax mans taken all my dough
And left me in my stately home
Lazing on a sunny afternoon"

With April 17 looming, losing dough's not the only thing to fear. A 30-year study shows that traffic deaths spike on tax deadline day by 6%. It applies to drivers, passengers and even pedestrians.

Have you ever driven home after a hard day at the office and daydreamed as you went. Eventually you got home, but when you got there, you suddenly realized you didn’t even remember the trip home? Not a single bit of it? Lights, intersections, on and off ramps, etc.? If we’re not careful, we can go on auto-pilot. Perhaps that’s what’s happening on tax day. People are so consumed with thoughts of their taxes, they fail to pay attention to the driving environment.

It's a lesson that applies to all days. Professional drivers must concentrate on their main task or bad things happen. Yes, nothing is certain except death and taxes. It's just that we never knew that they were so closely related. While the latter can't be postponed, certainly life can be extended with care and attention on the road.
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Mark G. Gardner
Chief Executive Officer
Avatar Management Services, Inc